Thursday, January 7, 2010


Much credit for this post must be given to the wonderful Claire Ackerman who shared this video with me: "White Man"

I have absolutely fallen in love with this video and the message it promotes (plus it's just so much fun to watch!).

How often do we attempt to describe God in our own terms? How many divisions in our churches occurred because arguments over these descriptions? How often do we accuse others of being godless because of their political beliefs or personal histories? How much hurt have we caused because of this?

I'm not going to go on a rant about how much damage I think certain groups and sects have caused, because that would just be adding fuel to the fire. I'm as much a part of the problem as everyone else. I stereotype. I'm judgmental. I'm intolerant. I have trouble loving my enemies.

But God is bigger than all of that. He's bigger than my opinions and my mistakes and I'm going to trust him to reveal his true character and will to me. Will you trust him to do the same for you?

1 comment:

  1. What a coincidence that I am just now writing my first message in a series about this. I loved the message of this song. thanks for sharing.
