Anyways, I got my official site assignment yesterday. I will spend the first part of my internship in the Navajo Nation, fly back to Houston for my friend Claire's wedding, then spend the rest of my time in Montana. Honestly, I was disappointed at first. I have been to both those sites before and I was interested in going someplace new. Additionally, I had hoped not to be involved in a wilderness trip, but I got that thrown in as well. I vividly remember talking to my youth pastor about the different LT sites and I very determinedly told him I would never want to go back to the Navajo site. It wasn't that I had a bad trip. My team was wonderful, I learned a ton, and I know I grew through all of it. I just am not drawn to the site at all. I don't feel a particular burden for the Navajo people, and the hike was an enormous challenge for me this summer (if you want more on that story just let me know).
Montana is gorgeous and it is definitely the mission trip that changed my life and entire relationship with God. The hike was difficult, but not as bad as Navajo. But once again, I have never felt particularly called to the Cheyenne people. In fact, I was really, really hoping for a site in Latin America. I love that culture and I love being able to practice my Spanish. I knew, however, that with the wedding I was most likely going to be assigned state-side so that I could fly back and forth.
Since honesty is the best policy, you all get to know the truth: I had to take some time for myself so that I didn't get bitter about situations. My disappointment didn't last very long, but the fact that I even experienced a little of it left me feeling guilty. Who am I to question where God has placed me? How could I think that other events were "getting in the way" of my internship? Isn't everything working out to fulfill his plan?
After praying, journaling, and just spending some time in solitude, I can say with confidence that I AM SO INCREDIBLY EXCITED ABOUT THIS SUMMER!! I'm excited about the students that I will come in contact with, and the opportunity to encourage them. I'm thrilled to be working with other amazing staff members and just getting to share this whole summer experience with them. I'm so excited to see how God changes my life once again this summer. I'm looking forward to experiencing the amazing beauty of nature and seeing God's handprints throughout creation. AND.. I can't wait to see the amazing stars!!!
I have already been able to see God's hand in all of this. I have almost all the equipment that I will need this summer since I have been to these sites before. That will be a huge financial relief since I still have several plane tickets to purchase. Additionally, I have two good friends who really enjoy hiking, so I have people in my life who will be able to help me prepare. Finally, I just started reading Dante's Purgatorio for my Great Texts class and it's all about a climb to the top of the mountain of Purgatory in order to purge his soul of sin so he can be with God in paradise. Talk about inspiration!! I'll just pretend to be Dante while I climb... and maybe sing some Miley Cyrus... or not.
So, despite my initial disappointment (all triggered by selfishness), I am so excited about this summer and about where I will be. And I think this quick instance of disappointment will make this summer all the more memorable and incredible. I can't wait to see what happens!!
Pictures from Montana, Honduras, and the Navajo Nation

Hey Sydney!
ReplyDeleteI wanted to encourage you with my experience from my summer with LT. I personally don't feel a call to serve the people in Appalachia, although my heart does break for them in their plight. One thing to remember about interning with LT is that it is primarily a Student Ministry that uses the Mission Field as a class room. You are going to be serving the Navajo and Cheyenne people this summer as a result of being there. But more importantly, and hopefully, you will be able to encourage, train and inspire students to be leaders for the Kingdom!
One of the slogans they have there is "Mission First, People Always"
So I hope that you are able to remember that when you get tired and entirely exhausted- that Christ came to serve us, and you now have an awesome opportunity to serve tons of people! What a blessing!
I'm excited to see how you will grow through this experience and that you will be able to make it to our wedding in June! Thank you for making it a priority to be there for Claire and I, at the expense of having the summer you wanted with LeaderTreks!