#73 Volunteer at a soup kitchen
I went with my wonderful friend Claire Aufhammer (http://lifelovejustice.blogspot.com/) to the Salvation Army soup kitchen here in Waco.
Claire has started volunteering here every week, and I finally decided to check it out this week. It was such a cool experience. I didn't really do a ton of work, but I did pass out drinks and refills and did a little bit of cleanup at the end. Next time (yes next time), I'm going to try and actually serve the food.
This soup kitchen is such a cool place because of the guy who runs it, Stanley Goode, or "Red." He is hilarious and always cracking jokes, and you can tell he has such a heart for the homeless. And it seems that all the people who come eat regularly really like him. Even more amazing is how much work and service goes into this. This location serves lunch and dinner EVERY day, even holidays. That's 365 days of two good, full meals for the hungry in Waco. HOW INCREDIBLE!
I am DEFINITELY going to go back and serve. I just love doing something for other people, and I'm really looking forward to forming relationships with those who come as well as the others who serve there.
Claire and I

"Red" and Brittney Griner.. oh yeah.. did I forget to mention that she was volunteering there today too? So crazy!

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