Friday, March 12, 2010

101 in 1001

I have been inspired by several other friends to start my own "101 in 1001" list. The way this works is that I have made a list of 101 things I would like to do in the next 1001 days. Some of the things are simple, some are ridiculous. I doubt that I will be able to accomplish every single one of them, but I have to at least try. I know that I'm more likely to do things if I have a list that I can check off. Plus, I have you guys to keep me accountable.

So here is my list. If you would like to join in any of these adventures or help me out with something, I would love your participation!

Starting date: March 13, 2010
Ending date: December 9, 2012

1. Attend a Baylor Basketball game
2. Attend a Baylor Baseball game - Completed 4/30/10
3. Take some friends to Cedar Point/Ohio
4. Visit a new country
5. Visit a new continent
6. Do missions work in a new country/continent
7. Read all of C.S. Lewis’s books
8. Study abroad
9. Go skydiving
10. Go camping or backpacking with friends
11. Find a church - "Completed" - Highland Baptist Church
12. Join a small group
13. Cook dinner for my family
14. Buy a nice camera
15. Visit 7 states I’ve never been to
16. Take a long road trip with friends
17. Go skiing
18. Go waterskiing
19. Take an applied music/piano class at Baylor
20. Intern with a non-profit organization
21. Intern at a church again
22. Do at least one intramural event at Baylor
23. Run a mile without stopping
24. Submit an article to The Pulse
25. Volunteer consistently in Waco
26. Visit/Volunteer at Missionaries of Charity in Dallas
27. Live in a house with a group of friends at Baylor
28. Fly by myself
29. Serve alongside a full-time missionary for a month
30. Sponsor a child
31. Paint a canvas for my room
32. Take artsy photos
33. Enlarge artsy photos and hang in my room
34. Go to a Passion conference
35. Find a “grown-up” doctor and dentist I like
36. Donate blood
37. Make Dean’s List every semester
38. Go on a trip just with my sister
39. Nanny for a family
40. Learn a new recipe
41. Become fluent in Spanish
42. Attend Vertical Ministries consistently
43. Apply to grad school/seminary
44. Read the books of the Bible I’ve never read before
45. Memorize a book of the Bible
46. Spend a day in COMPLETE solitude
47. Read a book that’s not for my reading list
48. Go kayaking or canoeing
49. Spend a day taking pictures all around Waco
50. Learn how to play guitar well
51. Read a book of poetry
52. Write a letter to someone every week for 2 months
53. Fulfill my maid of honor duties :)
54. Post a blog review about a book I’ve read
55. Visit Eleni in Greece
56. Write a poem
57. Journal at least twice a week, every week for 3 months
58. Write a letter to myself to open when I graduate
59. See a drive-in movie
60. Sleep under the stars
61. Attend a play at Baylor
62. Visit the Mayborn - Completed 3/20/10
63. Go to Cameron Park Zoo
64. Learn how to use my telescope
65. Get a departmental scholarship
66. Become a Crane Scholar
67. Be invited to join Phi Beta Kappa
68. Lend money to a micro-financing group
69. Vote
70. Completely clean and organize my room/closet.. donate everything I don’t need
71. Go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter
72. Take the GRE
73. Volunteer at a soup kitchen - Completed 3/17/10
74. Go to the Grand Canyon
75. Go to Yellowstone National Park
76. Go to Antarctica
77. Go on a cruise
78. Have a picnic
79. Translate an entire book of the Bible from Greek
80. Get up and watch the sun rise once a week for a month
81. Go to the 2012 Summer Olympics in London
82. Wake up an hour early every day for a week to pray
83. Apply to/join BRH
84. Go to career counseling - Completed 4/29/10
85. Take dancing lessons
86. Visit Morgan in Alabama
87. Translate a book from Latin to English
88. Visit Claire and Brent at Texas State
89. See the Northern Lights
90. Stay in a hostel
91. Go backpacking through Europe
92. Visit an Eastern Orthodox Church
93. Attend a Roman Catholic Mass
94. Sing karaoke in public
95. Watch a foreign film
96. Get a massage
97. Buy TOMS
98. Call Bill once a month
99. Join a club at Baylor
100. Take a trip just with my mom
101. Ring by Spring…. (JUST KIDDING!)


  1. I personally like #38
    :D love you sis!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. please take me with you to Cedar Point!

  4. Love it.

    7. Definitely read "Til We Have Faces" if you haven't already - it's a novel & it's fantastic.
    40. You should cook your way through a cookbook. I always thought that sounded cool.
    47. If you need ideas, I am your girl.
    50. Donna Stuart's offering lessons again this semester :) Just a little drive...but worth it!
    51. Once again, I have some really good suggestions!
    73. Take me with you
    91. We planned this one of the first times we met at Starbucks, remember? :) Seems like forever ago.
    85. You will fall in love with them. Well, depends on what kind of dancing. I do ballet, and it is the best thing in the world.

    Hope you're doing well! Miss you friend!

  5. 45!

    Yes! I'm trying to memorize the book of James! Feel free to join. Only got four verses down so far...
