Monday, January 11, 2010


My heart has been uneasy lately.

I first noticed it in the midst of a conversation where several people were complaining about not having as much luxury as they would like. Now in all fairness, I know that most of the conversation was in jest and in reality they are all extremely generous people and would say they have plenty of blessings in their lives.

But it really hit something in me and I can't get my heart to rest.

As I sit here at my private university typing away on my Mac listening to my nice ipod full of thousands of songs, I have to wonder, how often do I completely disregard the fact that I am one of the richest people in the world?

I complain so often about how much work I have to do and how hard this college thing is. Where is the gratitude for the enormous opportunity I've been given to receive an education of any sort?

There are people all over the world who live on less than a dollar a day. There are children who have no choice of going to school because they have to help feed their families. People die daily of malnutrition and lack of clean water. And I have just ignored all of that lately.

I'm not trying to make this a guilt trip, and I'm not telling you to sell everything you own and give it to the poor (although Jesus may tell you to do that anyways, he's done it many times before.. c.f. Matt. 19:21, also "The Life of St. Anthony" is great to read). I am, however, asking that we all take a step back and consider the rich blessings we have. And after you've considered them, give those blessings back to God and ask that he would work an appropriate response in your heart, whether that's donating money to a worthy cause, getting involved in an organization and giving of yourself and your time, or even praying for a particular group of people. Who knows what God will ask.

How wonderful it is that we have a God who does not look at outward appearances, but who considers the heart of man and who cares so deeply about each one of his children!

If you're looking for some good organizations:
- Water is Basic
- LeaderTreks
- World Vision
- Advent Conspiracy
- Compassion International
- Habitat for Humanity

Plus a ton of other awesome organizations that I'm not aware of. If you have any good organizations I would love to hear about them!

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