I have been inspired by several other friends to start my own "101 in 1001" list. The way this works is that I have made a list of 101 things I would like to do in the next 1001 days. Some of the things are simple, some are ridiculous. I doubt that I will be able to accomplish every single one of them, but I have to at least try. I know that I'm more likely to do things if I have a list that I can check off. Plus, I have you guys to keep me accountable.
So here is my list. If you would like to join in any of these adventures or help me out with something, I would love your participation!
Starting date: March 13, 2010
Ending date: December 9, 2012
1. Attend a Baylor Basketball game
2. Attend a Baylor Baseball game -
Completed 4/30/103. Take some friends to Cedar Point/Ohio
4. Visit a new country
5. Visit a new continent
6. Do missions work in a new country/continent
7. Read all of C.S. Lewis’s books
8. Study abroad
9. Go skydiving
10. Go camping or backpacking with friends
11. Find a church -
"Completed" - Highland Baptist Church12. Join a small group
13. Cook dinner for my family
14. Buy a nice camera
15. Visit 7 states I’ve never been to
16. Take a long road trip with friends
17. Go skiing
18. Go waterskiing
19. Take an applied music/piano class at Baylor
20. Intern with a non-profit organization
21. Intern at a church again
22. Do at least one intramural event at Baylor
23. Run a mile without stopping
24. Submit an article to The Pulse
25. Volunteer consistently in Waco
26. Visit/Volunteer at Missionaries of Charity in Dallas
27. Live in a house with a group of friends at Baylor
28. Fly by myself
29. Serve alongside a full-time missionary for a month
30. Sponsor a child
31. Paint a canvas for my room
32. Take artsy photos
33. Enlarge artsy photos and hang in my room
34. Go to a Passion conference
35. Find a “grown-up” doctor and dentist I like
36. Donate blood
37. Make Dean’s List every semester
38. Go on a trip just with my sister
39. Nanny for a family
40. Learn a new recipe
41. Become fluent in Spanish
42. Attend Vertical Ministries consistently
43. Apply to grad school/seminary
44. Read the books of the Bible I’ve never read before
45. Memorize a book of the Bible
46. Spend a day in COMPLETE solitude
47. Read a book that’s not for my reading list
48. Go kayaking or canoeing
49. Spend a day taking pictures all around Waco
50. Learn how to play guitar well
51. Read a book of poetry
52. Write a letter to someone every week for 2 months
53. Fulfill my maid of honor duties :)
54. Post a blog review about a book I’ve read
55. Visit Eleni in Greece
56. Write a poem
57. Journal at least twice a week, every week for 3 months
58. Write a letter to myself to open when I graduate
59. See a drive-in movie
60. Sleep under the stars
61. Attend a play at Baylor
62. Visit the Mayborn -
Completed 3/20/1063. Go to Cameron Park Zoo
64. Learn how to use my telescope
65. Get a departmental scholarship
66. Become a Crane Scholar
67. Be invited to join Phi Beta Kappa
68. Lend money to a micro-financing group
69. Vote
70. Completely clean and organize my room/closet.. donate everything I don’t need
71. Go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter
72. Take the GRE
73. Volunteer at a soup kitchen -
Completed 3/17/1074. Go to the Grand Canyon
75. Go to Yellowstone National Park
76. Go to Antarctica
77. Go on a cruise
78. Have a picnic
79. Translate an entire book of the Bible from Greek
80. Get up and watch the sun rise once a week for a month
81. Go to the 2012 Summer Olympics in London
82. Wake up an hour early every day for a week to pray
83. Apply to/join BRH
84. Go to career counseling -
Completed 4/29/1085. Take dancing lessons
86. Visit Morgan in Alabama
87. Translate a book from Latin to English
88. Visit Claire and Brent at Texas State
89. See the Northern Lights
90. Stay in a hostel
91. Go backpacking through Europe
92. Visit an Eastern Orthodox Church
93. Attend a Roman Catholic Mass
94. Sing karaoke in public
95. Watch a foreign film
96. Get a massage
97. Buy TOMS
98. Call Bill once a month
99. Join a club at Baylor
100. Take a trip just with my mom
101. Ring by Spring…. (JUST KIDDING!)