Sunday, February 21, 2010

We are but dust

It has been a month and a few days since I deactivated Facebook, and I must say it has been such a freeing experience! Without the distraction of my Facebook addiction, friendships have flourished, involvement in activities has increased, and procrastination has decreased (most of the time!)

Though a lot of good has come out of this whole thing, there are some downsides. I realized that I have an extremely addictive personality. When Facebook wasn't there to feed my addiction, I looked for something else to fill it, and that turned to reading blogs. You can ask any of my friends and they will tell you how often I reference something I read on some blog I found. While I think blogs are great things, my obsession went a little too far.

When I realized all this, a hard thought struck me: Why doesn't this obsession take hold of me for things of God? I haven't tried to fill my time with reading His word or praying. It wasn't necessarily Facebook that got in my way, but rather my tendency to fill my time with things that weren't drawing me closer to God.

In the midst of pondering this thought, Ash Wednesday arrived. I attended a beautiful service at Dayspring Baptist and was powerfully reminded that each one of us is made of dust. What a scary thing thought! But what a beautiful thing when we consider how deeply God loves us, even in our weak state.

I want to know this God who chooses to love me, someone who has nothing to offer. I mess up so much. I make terrible decisions. But still he loves me. How could I possibly be distracted from a love like that?!

So rather than giving something up for Lent, I am going to try to gain something instead: daily time with the one who loves me more than I could ever imagine.

1 comment:

  1. go sydney!!! i love you sister! i'm praying daily for you :D
